Portable Firewood Processing

At our house we try to heat with wood as much as possible. Every year we go through about 4 cords of wood, so every other year we have a truck load of logs delivered. That starts a week or so of back breaking, cutting logs, lifting them to the splitter rotating them on the splitter, throwing them into the trailer and finally stacking them.

I get exhausted just thinking about it! There is a better solution, it’s called a wood processor! A wood processor hydraulically lifts the log onto the bench and advances it along a roller system. The log stops at the desired length then a hydraulic chain saw cuts it and drops it into the wood splitter portion. The log is split into four pieces and proceeds up the conveyor belt to end up stacked in a pile. Now you simply stack it to dry.

Our machine can handle logs up to 16 inches in diameter. That’s a pretty big, yet standard log size you’ll get in a truck load.

16 inch log

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